Call of duty cold war beta zombies
Call of duty cold war beta zombies

call of duty cold war beta zombies

There are a couple special zombie types that spawn in every few rounds. This costs points, but is vital to surviving. Ideally, you should open up the map as much as possible by opening doors and unblocking pathways. Repeat this process to stay as safe as possible, while being aware of your points (aka Essence).

call of duty cold war beta zombies

Keep running around in circles as the zombies follow you, turn around to get some kills, and keep running. Now, things can always go wrong, but that’s the general idea. The map is designed in such a way that you can bait them into funneling through corridors so you rarely get overrun.

call of duty cold war beta zombies

Specifically, the flow of the game involves surviving by having zombies follow you through the map. The main flow of the gameplay is similar to older Zombies modes, wherein you survive round after round, killing hordes of undead and using points to buy upgrades and to open up the map. Now that you understand how Loadouts work, you should be prepared to actually play.

Call of duty cold war beta zombies